My Life as a Dog

“My name is Tom and I was born on November 9th, 2005 in my village. After a few days I grew up and I went to the market. I asked the butcher man to give me some bones. But the butcher man said “Your tail is so small. I can’t give you bones. Come when your tail has grown.” I went to my house and I was sad.

Someone came, so I started barking. My mother came and said that he is my brother. I said sorry to him. I had a brother who was close to my age to play with me everyday. So I was very happy that I have a brother. We went to play.

While playing, I hurt my toe. Feeling pain and discomfort, I found tears began to flow. My brother ran and went to my house to call my mother. He came with my mother to put some water on my toe and we went to my house.

After a few days, my tail began to grow. My brother and I went to the market again and asked the butcher to give me some bones to eat. But he did not give. Suddenly a robber took a woman’s jewellery. I saw the robber, ran and bit his leg. He fell down and was caught by the police.

After this I went and asked the butcher again. He said, “You have a small tail but you are very brilliant.” He gave me some small bones to eat. The next day, he gave my brother some bones to eat on his birthday. I was so happy for my brother.

Moral – Appearance is not everything.

Written by Goutham, STD VI. 


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