22 Mar · southschool · 56 Comments

The Serpent’s Shadow

“When do we land there? Go faster!” said Shishir and Suhas. “This boat never goes fast. You don’t know what speed I am going at.” said Bhavani. “We must pass through Bermuda triangle to reach the island. Hang on!” They passed through the triangle with very hard work. They were the first ones to pass …


7 Mar · southschool · 60 Comments

The True Murderers

“What are you doing there? Wait! Wait!” says a cop to two members. But why is he shouting at them? Come, let’s go and have a look. We see a dead body of a man. He  is completely bloody. His face is scratched. We can see the finger marks. We can see only the ear …


24 Feb · southschool · 80 Comments

Lion, Monkey, Elephant and Tiger

Once, there was a tiger named Sherkhan. He was very rude. He did not want any friends. He did not have manners. One day, a lion, monkey and elephant were playing near Sherkhan’s house. Sherkhan opened the door and came outside. He saw the monkey, lion and elephant playing. He went near them and said …


24 Jan · southschool · 45 Comments

The Happy Elephant

Once upon a time there lived a baby elephant named Rohit. It did not have any friends and it lived in a forest called Bandipur forest. One day, it was searching for food. Suddenly, there was a lake and Rohit fell into the lake! Rohit said, “Save me, save me, save me!” One rabbit saw …


19 Jan · southschool · 55 Comments

The Magic Stone

Once upon a time in Bangalore, there was a man named Prakash. He was a genius in making robots and he could make very difficult robots. He had a book that helped him make different kinds of robots and powerful stones. One day when he was going to the shop, he saw something lying on …


11 Jan · southschool · 178 Comments

The Cat and the Dog

Once upon a time, there lived a cat named Angel. Angel was searching for food and suddenly, a dog saw Angel. The dog went back thinking that it can pounce on the cat. It tried to pounce on the cat but it could not reach the cat. A thorn pierced the dog’s leg. The next …


10 Jan · southschool · 135 Comments

Bhagath and the Scary Ghost

(Among the winners for the story writing home work! Congratulations to Vishwas!) There lived a man called Bhagath. Bhagath will have a friend called Rahul. Rahul will be troubling him and hitting him. One day, Bhagath decides to take revenge and kill Rahul. Rahul will come to Bhagath’s house. Bhagath will call Rahul to his …


9 Jan · southschool · 42 Comments

Bhagath and the Ghost

(Among the winners for the story writing home work! Congratulations to Samanyu!) One day a boy named Bhagath was shifting to a new house. He was packing everything to move to the new house. Bhagath was very excited to move to the other house, and scared too, because everybody said that next to his new …


6 Jan · southschool · 8,804 Comments

Bhagath and the Scary Ghost

(Among the winners for the story writing home work! Congratulations to Ninad!) Once upon a time, one boy named Bhagath was walking in a deep forest. He had lost his way. He saw a house in the distance. He was tired, so he went inside the house. “Is there anybody here?” he called but no …


15 Dec · southschool · 788 Comments

Mohith and His Dream

 It was a cloudy day. There was silence in the air. A young boy named Mohith walked home slowly. He was in deep thought. He was worried about going to school the next day. As he was walking, he heard footsteps behind him. He suddenly turned back and saw there was nothing. He saw his …



The South School strives to provide a safe environment for children to explore various aspects of their academic and creative personalities through a specially designed curriculum.